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That Bunny Poop Will Help Your Plants Grow: Fertilizing Your Garden With Animal Waste
As we approach the planting season, on top of what to plant, there is also the question of what do we use as a fertilizer? Like any...
Where Have All the Dairy Farms Gone?: The Milk Market Catastrophe
In 2015 a Pennsylvania dairy farmer was getting paid around $25 per 100 pounds of milk (around 12 gallons), which was near an all time...
Should You Raise Your Own Beef?: The Backyard Beef Boom, and Where You Stand In It
Growing up as the son of a dairyman, I’ve always been lucky enough to have meat that has come from animals right off of the farm. We...
Buy Your Pet Food Local, and Help Keep the American Farmer Alive
Why buy your pet food from a local feed store? When you are looking to buy food for your animal, it seems nearly impossible to decide on...
Planting New Grass Seed for Your Yard
Planting (or seeding) a lawn is not difficult and can be done successfully by anyone. If you are planting grass seed, follow these four...
Planting a Personal Garden: Come on Guys, You Can Do it
When you live in a rural area, as I do, backyard gardening is a commonly seen and many times, very important part of many of our lives....
Things to Think About When Feeding Your Dog
You enter your favorite retail store (we all know it’s Target), you turn to the right (after you grab your coffee at Starbucks, of...
4 Steps to Keeping Your Calves Warm this Winter
Many types of cattle have a high cold temperature tolerance, due to many different factors. Higher consistent body temperature, thicker...
They’re Animals Not Superheroes: Precautions for Your Pets in the Winter Months
Many times people seem to place animals in a different category when it comes to how they handle extreme temperatures and weather...
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